Elementary Religious Education     

Grades One through Five


Elementary Sunday Mornings

Grades 1-5 meets most Sunday mornings from 10-11am in the Our Lady of Hope church hall. Most weeks are in class with teachers,       

but about one week per month, “Class IS Mass!” Instead of meeting for class in the hall, whole families come together to the

11:15am Sunday Mass with Children’s Liturgy of the Word, and have a social time with donuts and coffee afterwards! The in-class and

 “Class IS Mass” dates are noted in different colors on the calendar below!

Class IS Mass dates work like this:

  • · Families meet and sit together in the church at 11:10am (no class ahead of time, and pews will be reserved for families to sit together

in a group) 

  • · Before the readings begin, the kids, along with their teachers (and a parent is welcome to accompany little ones as well) will be dismissed 

  downstairs to the church hall.

  • · The kids/teachers will walk down together to the hall (usually to the stage), where they will hear the readings from the Children’s Lectionary, and one of our catechists will teach them through a children's homily about the readings.
  • · Right around the time of the collection, the whole group will head back upstairs and rejoin their families as we head into the

second half of the Mass.

  • · After Mass, donuts and coffee for all!

More teachers are needed on the elementary team – we can’t do it without you! We love it when two teachers take a class together, or when we get assistants for a teacher, so your help is needed! 

All teachers and parish volunteers must attend the Protecting God’s Children training (a one-time, 3-hour commitment), and dates will be provided that will work with your schedule. All volunteers also fill out an annual CORI background check – we are committed to a safe environment for all of our children and parishioners. 

Download Elementary Faith Formation Calendar 2024-2025

First Communion:

  • First Communion preparation is a two-year process. To receive First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in 2nd grade, students must be registered and attending class and Mass regularly throughout grades 1 and 2.
  • Before receiving the sacrament of First Communion, Our Lady of Hope needs a baptismal certificate from any child who was not baptized at our parish.
  • First Holy Communion is held in the Spring.
  • If you have questions about First Communion, please reach Kristen Monahan

To learn more about First Holy Communion, click here.

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